Elizabeth Mansfield


Jin Shin Jyutsu | Reflexology | Reiki | Quantum Psionics | doTerra Essential Oils Independent Consultant

A Therapist and Teacher, Elizabeth has a particular interest in teaching Natural Health Self-Care to enable each of us to take an active part in supporting our own emotional, mental and physical wellbeing and holds consultations, classes and workshops at The Simon Wellbeing Centre.

As a Practitioner of Jin Shin Jyutsu, Reflexology, Reiki and Quantum Psionics and an Independent doTerra Essential Oils Consultant, Elizabeth has a quiet gentle approach, listening attentively to, and working with, each individual towards their unique health goals with understanding and compassion.

In her Self-Help classes and workshops of Jin Shin Jyutsu® physio-philosophy, she creates a peaceful quiet atmosphere for teaching this very relaxing and effective form of light touch acupressure (practiced seated or lying down), which combines everyday practical health applications, with a beautiful profound meditative nature. The transformational experience is so gentle as tensions and stresses simply melt away and our life energy is harmonised  raising our vibration and participants leave these classes feeling, calm, relaxed, balanced, peaceful, happier – ready to face life again and with skills to help them to recreate this experience  themselves in their everyday life.

Beautiful Essential Oils by doTerra® are an enjoyable and aromatic form of self-care that Elizabeth also loves sharing individually and in groups as a natural health-support alternative for all the family.  These high vibrational oils offer a depth of emotional healing, as well as very effective practical first-aid applications to support everyday ailments. For those who choose this form of self-care, there is ongoing support and further learning opportunities.  doTerra offers more too – natural ways for a healthier happier everyday life generally.

Relevant pages on this website offer further information, and your direct enquiry is always welcome……



+44 (0)7899 997 003 (please text or leave message in the first instance)

Contact Elizabeth to enquire further.