Dr Phyllis Chan


My name is Dr Phyllis Chan (MbChB nMRCGP GP Cert Medical Education). I’m a GP by trade, based in Sussex UK and a part-time Reiki Therapist and Reiki Master. I offer a holistic approach to medicine and passionately believe in the power of the body to heal through an alternative and naturistic path in conjunction with modern medicine. 

I conduct the Reiki sessions at the comfort of your own home, and sometimes I do Reiki day which the sessions will be done in a therapy room setting.
I also make copper wire wrapped pendants and crystals accessories which are all reiki charged. In this way one can benefit from the power of Reiki as well as the healing effects from crystals. 

I practice Usui/ Reiki Ryoho Holy Fire III Reiki and I was taught by Reiki Master Luke Newton-Mason. Luke was taught by Mr William Lee Rand, the founder and president of The International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT), The Center for Reiki Research and The Reiki Membership Association. He is also the publisher and editor in chief of the Reiki News Magazine

Reiki Master



Visit Dr Phyllis’ website or email her to chat further.